Read it if you're intrested

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Kota Kinabalu, sabah, Malaysia
Name: Foo Kian Yung Nick mane:(A-Foo) /(KEN) weight: 62kg ++ Height: 179cm ==" Status: (no GF) School: KKHS-(F6) *I love natural phenomena view..=) *

Monday, April 26, 2010


Long Post.

Here my life when im working for this April...

Last Week,

morning ofcourse is work de la....just talk about my night life...=)

Monday-at night so Sienz...Suddenly Jason Sms me...
Go to Play Counter Strike...Hah..
I get Bully...ZzzZ By Computer....
11pm arrive home...

Tuesday-Lee Hom invite me to play badminton together...o.O
From 8 till 10.30pm..
11pm just arrive home....

Wednesday- (this make me surprise)
Night,Jason ask me to play basketball together while train for his Competition.
Learn some basic from him...
Thanks jason for his ride....
We train 9pm till 10.30p.m
Like usual,almost 11pm just arrive home and take my bath.. ~.~"
(Feeling tired for the next day working section)

Thursday-Morning Out audit with my senior again....
Once again Lee Hom Invite and Spend me for Badminton again...=)
He is kinda boring at home until he want to play badminton but no player...
Find me this neighbour to play...
We did enjoy every moment playing badminton together...
From 7.30pm we play untill 10.30p.m...
Damm tired.... i sweat until change 5 clothes in 3 hours.... +.+
11pm arrive home....
(this really tired...whole body got some pain)

Friday-Out audit morning and take a leave from my BOSS from friday Afternoon untill
saturday whole day leave....
to join C.o rehearsal and some practice..
*Me and Daren TOOOOOO enjoy the songs until we din realise the song got
change Diao.....OMG...both of us back home have to practise again..Zzz)
Night,play badminton with Lum,Chris, tasty wok....=)
Couldn't believe that place got badmintion court at 3rd floor....=)=)=)=)
Thanks for lum ride...Haha.....

Saturday-Morning perform at the Carnival Kebudayaan....C.o....
Really enjoy play cello with all my junior,friends and some Ex-students...+)
Thanks Lum again for her ride to my home...
*i just realise that day many people in sad mood...=( *
Lum and Ariele visit my BABY....Haha...
Hope she din scare or moless you guys la...
(i had been moless and bite for a long time....=O )
and sorry to both of you....My House untidy and that stupid
Baby Pee and BIG PEE infont of you guys...
SOry Sorry SoRRy...
Hmm.....4.30pm something go play basketball...
who knew...RAIN heavily!!! Arrrhhhhh...ZZzz
Then go makan angin to beverly while to determine where to play..Haha..
The God play with us...Go beverly in the half rain lagi heavily... Walao~
Back to KKHS again...Silly...
Then we decide play water polo there..Haha...
But after half an hour play....The rain start again... =~=
Then We go Pool...
Learn some Pool skill from derek and Jason....haha....
&.30p.m home..Eat,then oi Oi~~~~

Sunday- HO! This is my Activest ever!
Morning 8am yam cha with parents...
Back Home Fetch little bro and Lee Hom...
Bro's------> Church
Me and Lee Hom------> Badminton ^^ (once again Lee Hom ask me to play along...)
We play badminton from 9am to 2.30p.m.....
12pm to 1 rest...Doesn't play 5hours la...haha...Sot de meh..
Once again thanks for jason fetch me.....back his home by 3p.m...
Rest untill 4.30pm...Visit Teacher Lim and Yong...
Pay my tuition fee for last year...=="
Again...Play basketball with jason...but i din join them as well...
Know my standart la~
Play beside court and play with a family...^^
They are so nice~
Anyway still enjoy and play with jason at 6.30pm...
just we two...Si Fu test my improveness...Xp
6.45p.m Leave school~ Tired ARh~
While in car,jason ask weather want dinner at ofcourse ok la...
I decide to try have our dinner at....Tasty Wok....Last Friday Opening Ceremony....
So i'm intrested with their menu..xD
after bath at 8 something jason fetch me...
Jason so emo....Haha...
(you know i know la jason...xP)
send something to jason siblings,
8.30pm reach Tasty wok! Wu~
i very like their design once you get in from their front door...
all their counter Desing and made with glass...
Very High Class~~ Wu~~~~
have a sit and get menu..
i ordered Dry Nai You Squid....XD
Jason order Fried rice...
Both very nice and price are very nice...
I love to eat what i ordered! Very delicous...haha
Two people spend RM........
(next time you guys order then You guys know the price...Ngehehe)
We did have some extra time after eat so jason ask me decide want to go where entertain...
i choose POOL!!! haha..kinda love onto this sports too.....
11pm home.....

Thats my last week...

Here now my momday...

Monday- Work 8hours...morning
back home by 7.30p.m...Start to blog...
then 8.30pm have my dinner...
9pm out with jason again to basketball court...^^
LIDO basketball court... and jason play from start untill the end...
9Pm till 11.30pm... Haha...
Both of our leg backhome got some problem...Lol...
Back home bath...I'm Searching some isotonic cold drink..
but i coouldn;t find it....Luckly...
i found "ju hua" no really cold actually...
Aiya...Accept la...Im damm Thirsty...
After bath so lucky again i found some ice cube from the ice box...
Place into my glass...
Gut gut gut...
15 times sailang...
then i just realise not "ju hua cha" o..
is Kit Chai Ping...LOLLLLLL!!!
Love my mom so much,
ready such cold drink....
its greater than isotonic drink o....Haha...
high in vitamin....
Love you love you...Love you love you...
another glass fill in again...
bring to upstairs,while bloging then drink...
So syok.....(SS..Pls dont mind)
Bah ok la......its almost 1am morning...Tomorrow still got work...
Sleep lur~~~
Night.... Z_Z

Conclusion....Learn may things in this week...Important in i ENJOYED with my life...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Birthday TO: KKHSCO

Its one year old KKHS Chinese Orchestra Born....
Happy Birthday Dude....Xp

Special thanks to those who lead and create this orchestra.

Aldrich Tan...
Terence Tan...
Lim Hui Ying...
all Ex-Ajk...
and New AJK...
Coperation and comitmen of C.o Members...

I'm Happy that i spend many happy moment in KKHS C.o....
It lead me to an Bravest moment standing on the stage and perform...
it did give a change for me to teach musics for juniors...
it gave me a new seeds that was "musics seeds" one of my talent i know finally...
I sweat for it but i never want any rewards...but it still give me a rewards....

Happy Birthday KKHS Chinese Orchestra...1 year "young"
there will be a LoooooooooooooooooooG way t go in the Future....

Conclusion...The musics seeds of mine born from here..when it lost i'm going to lost too..and im happy that im one of the member of KKHS chinese Orchestra...Its was my first and the Only Orchestra for me...=D

Fight = Crazy??

Had a Boring day today...and sad day...
My fault Huh?
YOU SHUT UP F**King Aunty!
make my quarrel situation of me between my mom worst!
F*** Off YOU!

Wake up,Online,Eat,afternoon Sleep,awake for dinner...
then a fight between me and my Mom...
Its about my Youngest Brother...ZZzzz
Want eat then get it yourself la!
How old are you o???!!! 11 years Old lo~~~~!!!
Still need people serve the foods infront of you just eat??
i cant control mysely and start a quarrel with my mom le...=(
Finally my mom tears..=____=
Haiz.......MY bad......

You guys make me MAD wont have good features...

Warned long time ago~

Conclusion is i did wrong in this aunty damm noisy beside make me anger only...I wold like to say sorry to my>Mom & Brother but not you>AUNTY!
i will try my best to control my madness next time....=(

its late and Its a birthday for KKHS C.o.....dont want scold people anymore...
GOOD LUCK & Happy Birthday again KKHSCO....HAHAHA

Thursday, April 8, 2010

true story...damm pity and WEI DA!


大 眼睛她有一颗透明的童心.她是一个孤儿,她在这个世界上 只活了8年,她留在这个世界上最后的一句话是“我来过, 我很乖”她希望死在秋天,纤瘦的身体就像一朵花自然开谢 的过程.在遍地黄花堆积,落叶空中旋舞的时候,她会看见 横空远行的雁儿们.她自愿放弃治疗,把全世界华人捐给她 的54万分成了7份,把生命当成希望的蛋糕分给了7个正徘徊 在生死线上的小朋友.­




1996年11月30日,那是当年农历10月20日,因为 “爸爸”佘仕友在永兴镇沈家冲一座小巧旁的草丛中发现了 一个冻得奄奄一息的这个新生儿时,发现她的胸口处插着一张 小 纸片,上面写着“10月20日晚上12点”­

家住四川省双流县三星镇云崖村二组的佘仕友当年30岁.因 为家里穷,一直找不到对象,如果要收养这个孩子,恐怕就 更没有人愿意嫁进这个家门了,看着怀中小猫一样嘤嘤哭泣 的婴儿,佘仕友几次放下又抱起,转身走了回头,这个小生 命已经浑身冰冷,哭声微弱,在没人管只怕随时就没命了! 咬咬牙,他再次抱起婴儿,叹了一口气“我吃什么,你就跟我吃 什么吧”­


佘仕友给孩子取名佘艳,因为她是秋天丰收季节出生的孩子, 单身汉当起了爸爸,没有母乳,也买不起奶粉,就只好喂米 汤,所以佘艳从小体弱多病,但是非常乖巧懂事,春去春又 回,如同苦藤上的一朵小花,佘艳一天天长大了,出奇的聪 明乖巧,相邻都说捡来的娃娃智商高,都很喜欢她,尽管她从 小 就多病,在爸爸的担惊受怕中,佘艳长大了.­


苦命的孩子的确不一般,从 5岁起,她就懂得帮爸爸分担家务,洗衣,煮饭,割草,她样 样做得好,她知道自己跟别的孩子不一样,别家的孩子有爸 爸妈妈,她家就只有她和爸爸,这个家靠她和爸爸一起来支 撑,她要很乖很乖,不让爸爸多一点点忧心,生一点点气


上小学了,佘艳知道自己要好好学习,要上进,要考第一名, 不识字的爸爸在村里脸上也会有光.她从没让爸爸失望过, 她给爸爸唱歌,把学校里发生的趣事一样一样的讲给爸爸听, 把获得的小红花仔仔细细的贴在墙上.偶尔还会调皮的出 道题考倒爸爸...每当看到爸爸脸上的笑容,她会暗自满 足“虽然不能像别的孩子一样也有妈妈,但是能和爸爸这样快 乐 的生活下去,也很幸福了”­


2005 年5月开始,她经常流鼻血.有一天早晨佘艳正在洗脸,突然 发现一盆清水红红的,一看是鼻子里的血正在往下滴,不管 采用什么措施都止不住,实在没办法,爸爸带她到乡卫生院 去打针,可小小的针眼也出血不止,她的腿上还出现了大量 的红点点,医生说赶快到大医院去看,来到成都大医院,正 值会诊高峰,她排不上队,独自坐在长椅上按住鼻子,鼻血 像两条线,直往下掉,染红了地板,她觉得不好意思,只好 端起一个便盆接血,不到10分钟,盆子里的血就盛了一半. 医生见状,连忙带孩子去检查,检查后,医生开出了病危通知 单.她得了“急性白血病”!­


这种病的医疗费是非常昂贵的,费用一般需要30万元.佘仕 友懵了.看着病床上的女儿,他没办法想太多,他只有一个 念头,救女儿!借遍了亲戚朋友凑来的钱也只是杯水车薪. 距离30万实在太远,他决定卖掉家里唯一能换钱的土坯房, 可 是因为房子太过破旧,一时找不到买主.­


看着父亲那双忧郁的眼睛和日渐消瘦的脸.佘艳总有一种酸楚 的感觉,一次,佘艳拉着爸爸的手,话还未出,眼泪却冒了出 来:“爸爸,我想死...”­


父亲一双惊愕的眼睛看着 她“你才8岁,为啥要死”­

“我是捡来的娃娃,大家都说我命贱,害不起这病,让我出院 吧...”­

6月18日,8岁的佘艳代替不识字的爸爸,在自己的病历本上 一笔一划的签字“自愿放弃对佘艳的治疗”­




当天回家后,从小到大没有和爸爸提过任何要求的佘艳,这时 像爸爸提出两个要求;她想穿一件新衣服,在照一张照片, 她对爸爸解释说“以后我不在了,你想我的时候就看看照片上 的 我”­


第二天,爸爸叫姑姑带佘艳来到镇上,花30元给佘艳买了两 套新衣服,佘艳给自己选了一套粉红色的短袖短裤,姑姑给 她选了一套白色红点的裙子,她试穿上就舍不得脱下来,三 人来到照相馆,佘艳穿着粉红色的新衣服,双手比着V字手势, 努力的微笑,最后还是忍不住掉下了眼泪...­


她已经不能上学了,她长时间背着书包站在村前的小路上,目 光 总是湿漉漉的.­

如果不是《成都晚报》的一个叫傅艳的记者,佘艳将像一片悄然 滑落的树叶一样,静静的从风中飘下来.­


记者阿姨从医院方面得知的情况,写了一片报道,详细叙说了 佘艳的故事,旋即《8岁女孩巧安排后世》的故事在蓉城传 开了.成都被感动了,互联网特被感动了,无数市民为这个 可怜的女孩心痛不已,从成都到全国,乃至全世界,现实世 界与互联网空间联动,所有爱心人士为这个弱小的生命捐款 “和谐社会”成为每个人心中的最强者,短短10天时间, 来自全球华人捐助的善款已经超过56万,手术的费用足够 了. 小佘艳的生命之火被大家的爱心再次点燃!­


宣布募捐活动结束之后,仍然源源不断收到全球各地的捐款, 所有的钱都到位了,医生也尽自己最大的努力,一个接一个 的治疗难关也如愿的一一闯过!大家微笑的等待成功的那一 天...有网友写到“佘艳,我亲爱的孩子......”­


6月 21日放弃治疗回家等待死亡的佘艳被重新接到了成都,住进 了市儿童医院,钱有了,卑微的生命有了活下去的希望和理 由.­

佘艳接受了难以忍受的化疗.玻璃门内,佘艳躺在病床上输液, 床头边放着一把椅子,椅子上放着一个塑料盆,她不时要 侧身呕吐,小女孩的坚强另所有人吃惊,她的主治医生介绍, 化疗期间胃肠道反应强烈,佘艳刚开始时,一吐就是大半 盆,可她连吭都不吭一声,刚住院时做骨髓穿刺检查,针头 从肋骨刺入,她没哭没叫,眼泪都没流,动都不动一下.­


佘艳从生到死,没有得到一丝母爱的关怀,当徐鸣医生提出“佘 艳,给我当女儿吧”佘艳眼睛一闪,泪珠一下就涌了出来, 第二天,当徐鸣医生来到她床前的时候,佘艳竟羞答答的 叫了一生 “徐妈妈”徐鸣开始一愣,继而笑逐颜开,甜甜的回了一声“女 儿乖”­



第二天徐妈妈到病房,给佘艳穿上了一双白色的袜子,不经意 的对她说:“穿上这个,免得凉”佘艳开心的说“妈妈,这是 我 第一次穿袜子”­

徐鸣医生瞬间觉得自己的心里像针扎一样难受,然后问她“告诉 妈妈,你还想要什么?"­

佘艳低头害羞了半天,然后怯怯的说“我想有一双红皮鞋,里面 穿上白袜子,好像白雪公主啊”­

当天夜里,徐鸣医生下班后,打车赶到一家卖童装的专卖店,花 80元买了一双红皮鞋,又买了两双白袜子.­

第二天到病房给佘艳穿上了红皮鞋和白袜子,佘艳坐在床边,脚 不沾地,喜欢的不得了.­

只可惜,只是穿了短暂的一会,打针的时间到了,脚上要扎针头 输液,不一会就把袜子和皮鞋脱了下来.­


所有的人都期盼着奇迹的发生,所有的人都期盼这佘艳重生的 那一刻,很多市民来到医院看望佘艳,网上很多网民都在问 侯这个可怜的孩子.她的生命让这个陌生的生命洒满了光明!­


那段时间病房里堆满了鲜花和水果,到处弥漫着醉人的芬芳, 两个月的化疗,佘艳闯过了9次鬼门关,感染性休克,败血 症,溶血,消化道大出血...每次都逢凶化吉.由省内甚 至国内权威儿童血液病专家共同会诊确定的化疗方案,效果 很好,“白血病”本身已经被完全控制了,所有人都在期盼着 佘 艳康复的好消息!­


但是化疗药物使用后可能引起的并发症是非常可怕的,与别的 白血病的孩子比,佘艳的身体是非常弱的,此时手术后,她 的体质更差了.8月20日清晨,她问傅艳“阿姨,你告诉我, 他们为什么给我捐款啊”­


“阿 姨,我也做善良人”­


佘艳从枕头下摸出一个数学作业本,递给傅艳“阿姨,这是我的 遗书...”­


傅艳大惊,连忙打开一看,果然是小佘艳 安排的后世.­

这是一个年仅8岁的孩子在生命垂危的时候,趴在床上用铅笔 写了 3页的遗书,由于孩子太小,有些字还不会写,还有很多错别 字,看的出,这篇文章并不是一气呵成写完的.分成了6段, 开头是“傅艳阿姨”结尾是“傅艳阿姨再见”整片文章“傅 艳阿姨”,或“傅阿姨”公出现了7次,还有9次简称记 者为“阿姨”这16个称呼后面,全部是关于她离世后的“拜 托”以及她想通过记者向全社会关心她的人表达“感谢”与“再 见”­

“阿姨再见,我们在梦中见,傅阿姨,我爸爸的房子要垮了, 爸爸不要生气,不要跳楼.傅阿姨,你要看好我爸爸,阿姨, 医我的钱给我们学校一点点,多谢阿姨给红十字会会长说, 我死后,把剩下的钱给那些和我一样的病人,让他们的病好起 来......”­




8月22日,由于消化道出血,几乎一个月不能吃东西而靠输 液支撑的佘艳,第一次“偷吃东西”她掰了一块方便面放进 嘴里,很快消化道出血加重,医生护士紧急给她输血,输液... 看着佘艳腹痛难忍,痛苦不堪的样子,很多医生和护 士都哭了,大家都愿意帮她分担痛苦,可是,想尽各种办法 还是 无济于事.­

佘艳的腹部疼痛难忍,她哀求的对所有的医生护士说“让我死 吧,我难受...”­


最后佘艳在极端的痛苦中离开了这个世界,医生在她停止呼吸 之 后,仍然不遗余力的抢救了80 分钟,最终也没能挽回这个幼小的生命.­


所有人都无法接受这个事实,那个美丽如诗,纯净如水的“小 仙女”真的去了另一个世界吗?记者傅艳摸着佘艳渐渐冰冷 的小脸泣不成声.再也不能叫她阿姨了,再也笑不出声音来 了...­


四川在线,网易等网站沉浸在泪海里,互联网被泪水打湿透了, “心痛到不能呼吸”每个网站的消息帖子下面都有上万条 跟帖,花圈如山,悼词似海,一位中年男士喃喃低语“孩子, 你本来就是天上的小天使,张开小翅膀,乖乖的飞吧...”8 月26日,她的葬礼在下雨中举行,成都市东郊殡仪 馆火化大厅内外站满了热泪盈眶的市民,他们都是8岁女孩 佘艳素不相识的“爸爸妈妈”为了让这个一出生就被遗弃, 患白血病后自愿放弃自己的女孩,最后离去时不至于太孤单,来 自四面八方的“爸爸妈妈们”默默的冒雨前来送行.

她的墓地上有她一张笑吟吟的照片,碑文正面上方写着:“我 来过,我很乖(1996.11.30.--2005.8.22)”­

后面刻着关于佘艳身世的简单介绍,最后两句是“在她有生之 年,感受到了人世的温暖.小姑娘,请安息,天堂有你更美 丽.”­


遵照小佘艳的遗愿,把剩下的54万元医疗费,当成生命的馈 赠,留给了其他患白血病的孩子.这7个孩子分别是,杨心 琳,徐黎,黄志强,刘玲璐,张雨婕,高健,王杰.这7个 可怜的孩子,年龄最大的19岁,最小的只有2岁.都是家境非 常困难,挣扎在死亡线上的贫困子弟.­


9月24日,第一个接受佘艳馈赠的女孩徐黎,在华西医大成 功进行手术后,她苍白的脸上挂上了一丝微笑:“我接受了 你的生命赠与,谢谢佘艳妹妹,你一定在天堂看着我们.请 你放心,以后我们的墓碑上照样刻着:我来过,我很乖......­

Monday, April 5, 2010

Weaker & Weaker....ZzzZzz

Am i OLD???!!! my mom say i look like 20 jor....Haha..
Nevermind la....Older i think got more experience right?? =D

Into topic now...Last week had a badminton match with Fiona,Chris,daren and lum...
im Feeling im Weaker in my badminton skills..T.T
aiyarrrr....keep facing my monitor with my eyeballs on number....then when someone smash the shuttlecock to my place i taught in Numbers Falling...on to the floor...Ogui lo...
Conclusion....I wont admit im weak in badminton BUT! is the weakest time for me to play badminton nowdays...Very Weakkkkk...HaizZzz

i'm totaly impressed with my grandfather Spirit of "孝"
althought he is OLD in the age of 86....he still want to go
"扫墓" with us...he 扫 his father's 墓,i should call him as my "公太"
Conclusion is....although we gonna be old but the sprit of "孝" will never blind in my eyes or minds...*Hope i can do so....*

Start from yesterday night,i had a high fever....=(
today work inside office with cool temperature in the office make me feeling Weaker.
my hand almost freez but my nody tempureture damm high...
after finish my work at 5.30pm,i rest inside my daddy;s car.
So Warm....Haha...and test drive again...
7.15pm reach klinik luyang..=)
i wait for almost 30 minutes just till my turn...
wait for 30 minutes and finally check! but get medicine just use 3 minutes...TuLan...
get many medicine...T.T
i had been 10 years din get into hospital...
Once i get in,Get Damm many medicine...4 packs,two bottel...T.T
i dont like medicine...
Conclusion is...I'M WEAK!!! im OLD,Haizzzz

Gonna rest...GooD NighT!

Friday, April 2, 2010


it will gonna be a long post.

Well,i di back from Negeri Sembilan after finish my N.S program.
goverment arrange our flight and end up our program a bit earlier because of SPM results..
Anyway,miss my N.S friends...MAy god bless them live there Full with joy and happiness...
you can get many friends and learn how to be yourself through CHARACTER BUILDING,
how to comunicate,learn how to fire with a gun...ETC......
The most challenge for me is Jungle Tracking untill the highest point of the mountain by carring about 3Kg stuff behind your beg...
Conclusion is...PLKN FUN!!! Sometimes it might Taught..but i Love it as a challenge...

Next SPM result....i cannot admit that my result very sucks la!
As a science stream students almost fail all science stream subjects...T.T
and not very retard because my only hope in Maths also get B+ only...ZzzZ
Conclision is...i still can accept my result because pass all the subjects...but not retard..=(

Follow by...C.o holidays Practice...OK! here we go...
1st! the store damm messy! i'm not very happy for that...HMPGH!
at the first day of C.o practice i had use over 4 hours to clean it up by myself assists by Almirick...ZzZZzz and reset all the instrument codes and those system...
i just hope Almerick did do his own job to run that system....
2nd : Actually,i did enjor for the spending 3 days at there actually.
Enjoy every moment practice with juniors on the new two songs,teach newbie some Cello stuff [ i Know i din really teach much.. forgive me..=(] ,having lunch together with coach...Comunicate with all C.o members.....Help you guys have a snap Of "2010 C.o Family picture"... meets my fellow seniors and practice together..all of that was great! Too bad that im an Ex-member...haiz...OLD lorh....
3nd : feel weird about C.o....something missing....
Exp: spirits,attendence....
Conclusion happy to meet those new students and practice together with juniors. i LoVE it!

In my new life...

Now i work in an account firm.
thaks to mom help me ask weather their company need workers or not...
Then i just go for interview section to meet the Boss...He hire me..
Salary? Rm400 per months,8 hours per day,work from monday to saturday!....
unfortunally need to work at saturday,crash with C.o...Haizzz No more C.o..TOO BADDD!
The main reason i get this job is to get experience. Althought i dunno anything about account but i still want to try it..while deciding weather intrested in Accounting Courses for further study.
Actually i learn lots also when working there...dicsciplin,comunicate with other staff,some basics of account and audit,UBS system,computer,failing......Etc....all still in learning process...
im just a noobiest staff in office..dunno this dunno that..and my job is...Do everything offered by my staff....its not easy you know...Haiz...
about the salary for this job,i'm going to spend it into my driving lesson to get my driving Licence...haha..hope that i really did it...have to work 3 months just enough for driving courses...
Conclusion is...Work is Harder Than Study! For those who are studying,pls study as well while for your future...and get a suitable work for your own...=)

Like my DAD so Much!
Haha...Nowdays every morrning i will reverse car for my DAD as a practical practice for Driving licence...or after work nothing to do at while waiting my mom Close her shop my dad will be my TUTOR to drive around the shop area!!! WooWOoHohOHOho!!! but all of this activity is ileague...
Haiz..very scare get caught...
Conclusion is...Thanks Dad for giving me a trust to touch and drive his car and teach me how to drive!! Thanks Dad!!!

Last saturday Hang out with friends after finish my job in office but the time was damm rushing...
Once i finish my job and go my mom shop to have my lunch.After 5 minutes walk to bus stop to wait for bus to K.K.....2P.m just reach Growball Cinema and meet with terence,kuit,caren and daren...and the movie start on time..=D Phew...after movie everyone going home..left me and terence Yam Cha while wait for our car and he left first...Huhu...I'm the last...
Conclusion is...A relaxable day after stress a week inside office....WOOooOOHoooOOo!

April "Fool"
it was just a normal day for me...Staying inside office for 8 hours busying of my works...Zzz
Terence Fool me but i din get FooL...Aha...Got some Fool message too...But...Sorry la...its April Fool and I'm Not Fool although my minds almost killed by number and monitors...Aiyo...
Conclusion is...April "Foo" Was'nt very memorable for me....=="

Something sad happpening and i'm not willing to share information while im confusing with the story line ...Zzz i lost a friends...Thats all...
Conclusion is...Everyone Sad for the lost...

Last i think from me...
Today had 2 hours to play badminton but i'm late for half an hour...Zzzz
some transportation problem...ZZzz
I enjoy every moment i swing my hand,hold the shuttlecock and my old rackets...Sweats as many i can,jump higher and higher,shoes griping soungs,had a match with my old Mix-Double partner Miss LUM..=D...Love it...LOVE The moment,love every minutes...
Back with Chris Car,Not bad ar his driving...Too bad that he forgot his HANDBRAKE still ON! LoL...from KKHS untill almost reach Tmn Cantek i mention onto him...^^...ahah...
i think i have to submit his point if im his tutor...=D Wakaka...Just kidding la Chris..Pls dont mind...
Conclusion is...Enjoyable day! WooooHooooooooooooooooo

See Ya!